Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Yves Smith excoriates Paul Krugman for selling out


Read it at Naked Capitalism
Why is Paul Krugman Misrepresenting the Demise of a Wall Street Funded, Right Wing, Entitlement-Bashing Front Group?
by Yves Smith


widmerpool said...

Sorry, Yves is completely wrong on this one.

Krugman was simply saying the Democratic Party IS the center. Which implies they are not a very progressive party.

Krugman was mocking Friedman and the Americans Elect party as frauds.

Whether or not Krugman is fair to MMT is neither here nor there on this one.

Salsabob said...

II was thinking that Hudson's taking on Krugman was just a lack of awareness that a strong difference in the economic arena was spilling over into the political arena, and potentially doing more harm than good in getting to mutual objectives. Anyway, it still had much merit in the economic arena, a good read, and a good catch by this blog in presenting it.

This latest from Yves, however, is just unfounded (as noted by widmerpool) vitriol. Given the near limitless supply of other much-more deserving targets, I am at a lost as to why. It truly is a “WTF?” moment.

I’m glad to come here and see interesting posts that have nothing to do with MMT (obviously very happy to come here first as a portal to all and everything MMT!).
However, I would suggest perhaps some consideration to filtering out not only the unfounded but senseless vitriol.