Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Auburn Parks — How many people even know what our 'National Debt' actually is?

I wonder just how many people know about what our national debt actually is. The term 'national debt' gets thrown around so often and I have yet to hear anyone talk about US Treasury securities in any interview or discussion on TV, Radio, or any mainstream media websites about the so-called debt. People just assume that because I have debt I know what the national debt is because the national Govt is just like me and my household or the business down the street. Well guess what, the Federal Govt is nothing like a household or business. And the 'national debt' is nothing more than the total number of US treasury bonds in existence. So the next time you hear somebody talk about the 'debt being too high' or 'we need to reduce or national debt'.....we must ask ourselves, just why do we really want there to be less US Treasury bonds in existence.
Is it better public policy to have a smaller amount of risk-free financial assets available to the non-Govt?
I am not saying there could never be a situation where the above statement should be answered with a yes.....I am just saying that any time anyone wants to stop issuing Treasury bonds dollar for dollar with the amount of deficit spending, I am game. If only, to put all this 'national debt' silliness to rest once and for all. But is this something that we progressives should advocate for en masse......to shrink the debt by just supporting the repeal of the statute that requires treasury to issue bonds for deficit spending. Its not like the Fed bank would ever 'bounce a Treasury check' although its more accurately described as the Fed would never refuse to use its computer to credit a SS recipient's or Govt contractor's bank account.

Of course the next thing that people are going to say is........
Daily Kos — Money and Public Purpose
How many people even know what our 'National Debt' actually is?
Auburn Parks


Unknown said...

Of course the next thing that people are going to say is........
INFLATION!!!!!!!!AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Auburn Parks

No problem. Since the banking cartel lends its "money" ("credit") into existence then the repayment of that "money" causes it to be destroyed. As for the interest, it is transferred to those with a lower propensity to spend it.


A ban on further credit creation would be massively deflationary as existing credit was repaid with no new credit to replace it - at least until all deposits were fully backed by reserves.

So ...

A ban on further credit creation would REQUIRE massive deficit spending by the monetary sovereign just to prevent MASSIVE DEFLATION.

Unknown said...

So, if we ever get around to abolishing the government-backed credit cartel, we'll have a one-time opportunity to give the American population a large amount of inflation-free fiat as compensation for the damage the cartel has done to them.